Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring

Week 6 Learning Plan

This week we are starting to read short u words, meet Gus the Duck and practice Rhyming, Alphabetical Order and Sequencing. We are going to do our last week of our Seed Observations and begin to learn about Insects!

In MATH, we are going to review some of our 'warm up' activities from the past few weeks and introduce ADDING! 

For BIBLE, we are going to keep learning about the early church with the stories of Peter Heals the Crippled Beggar and The Church Shares. 


Short U - Gus the Duck

Watch this silly video of Mrs. Ferrie and Gus the Duck (Mrs. Barthel) teaching about the short u words and having fun with the concept of 'upside down'. There are also some special guest appearances from my kids Benji, Caleb and Brooke. 

Learning activities for after watching the video:

  1. Read the Starfall book "Gus the Duck".
  2. Rhyming for the words: Gus, cut, cup, hug
    • Verbally rhyme with each of the words. Try to make 3-4 rhymes for each word. 
    • Use the Spell It/Write It mat. Spell the word family _us then add letters in front to come up with rhymes. Do this for the _ut, _up, _ug words families. (*See a picture at the bottom of the webiste for a visual on what this can look like)
  3. Challenge: Can you hang upside down? Where are some places that you can hang upside down? What tasks can you do upside down? *Make sure you have someone watching you in case you slip and fall. 


Swat Those Bugs

Watch this video of Mrs. Ferrie and Mrs. Barthel going on an Insect Alphabet Hunt. 

Activity: Either have your child colour and cut out the alphabet insects from your take home package or print off colour version below. (To save paper, you can print 2 pages on one sheet). Then tape them up around the house and go on your own alphabet hunt! 

  1. Put the bugs in alphabetical order
  2. Spell Words with the insects. 
  3. Write a word on your "Spell It/Write it" mat and then swat the letter bugs that you wrote. 

ABC Insects Colour


Insects: Sorting Insects and Non Insects

Watch this video where Mrs. Ferrie explains how bugs are an important part of God's world and how to tell insects from other bugs. 

Activity: Get outside and go on a bug hunt. Lift up rocks, dig in some dirt, get down close to the grass, check on trees and see if you can find any bugs. Then sort your bugs between insects and non insects. Feel free to send anything fun you find to Mrs. Ferrie in a picture or video. 

The Very Clumsy Click Beetle

Listen to the story "The Very Clumsy Click Beetle" that is written and illustrated by Eric Carle. 


  1. Print off the Click Beetle sequencing activity. Have your child cut out the pictures and then put the pictures in the correct sequence. Send me a picture of the cards in the sequence your child puts them in or send me a video of your child retelling the story using the cards.  The Clumsy Click Beetle Sequencing
  2. Make a Jumping Click Beetle by watching the video below.
    • Materials you will need: paper (thick cardstock or construction paper works best), scissors, pencil/marker, crayons.