Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring

Week 6

Warm Up Activities (5-10 min/day)

Choose 1-2 of the following activities to do each day. 

Activity 1: Patterning - make the following patterns and repeat the patterns 4 or more times. Verbally label the patterns. 

abc       abbc      aabc   

Activity 2: Circle Groups of Dots

Place the dot sheet in the page protector. Each day choose to circle one of the following groups: 3,4,5,6

*Try to see the amount and circle it without counting each individual dot. 

** It's okay if there is a left over dot in a section. 

Here is an extra Dot Sheet if you need it.

Activity 3: Roll and Make It 8/9 - Like last week, roll a dice then add more manipulatives to it to make 8. Work on making 8 for a few rolls then switch to 9. 


Before you watch the video, please make sure that your child has the blue number cards, dry erase marker, items to count with and this Practice Adding Master in the page protector. 

The video is a little bit long because at the end I explain how to do the worksheets below. Parents, if you go back to the 6:20 minute mark, I explain how to do the worksheets. Here's a quick explanation too. 

Counting 1  Counting 2  - Just have your child count the objects and practice printing the numbers as neat as possible in the space provided. (Please have your child correct any backwards numbers and try to fill the whole space. 

Dominoes Addition  - Write the numbers under that dominoes first. Then combine the dots together by saying the amount on the first domino and then counting on the second. Then write the answer in the space provided and draw the amount of dots under the number. 

Add Within 10 - Draw dots under the numbers. Then start by saying the first amount of dots and then counting on the second amount. Write the number in the space provided and the dots underneath.