1. Read John 21:1-14 in either your family Bible or your children's Bible. (Or wait until Wednesday for Mrs. Ferrie to tell the story in a video).
Jesus performed a miracle for his disciples and at first they didn't even know it was Jesus who was talking to them.
2. Remind your child about how Peter denied that he knew Jesus 3 times before the rooster crowed after Jesus had been arrested and how sad Peter felt about that.
3. Read John 21:15-18 in either your family Bible or your children's Bible. (Or wait until Wednesday for Mrs. Ferrie to tell the story in a video). Jesus asks Peter 3 times if Peter loved him and each time Peter said "Yes!" to Jesus. Talk about how Jesus will take us back to him, even if when we sin or act like we don't know him.
Print off the following activity page to go with these two stories.
Jesus Appears at the Shore