Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring

The Early Church

School Wide Memory Work - Due June 5

The verse(s) chosen for this week are rather long so if you just memorize the first verse, that's fine. 

Psalm 19:1-3

The heavens declare the glory of God;
    the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
    night after night they reveal knowledge.
They have no speech, they use no words;
    no sound is heard from them.

Paul on Malta

Listen to the story of Paul on Malta. Then you can colour the colouring page below. 


Paul on Malta

Week 8&9 - School Wide Memory Work - Due May 29

James 1:27 - Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.


Paul and Silas in Prison

Remember how we learned about how an angel rescued Peter from prison. Now we are going to learn about what happened when Paul and Silas were put into prison. The stories are quite different. 

You can colour this colouring page if you'd like. Paul And Silas In Prison Coloring


Paul Shipwrecked

Paul got arrested again when he was back in Jerusalem. This time, Paul asked to be sent to Rome with some other prisoners on a ship so that he could go in front of Cesar. 

This is what happened while he was on the ship.

You can do this activity if you would like. Paul Shipwrecked Maze

Paul and Barnabus as Missionaries

Paul and Barnabus spread the love of Jesus all over the place. Watch this video. 

You can look through different maps in your Bible or on line that show the missionary journeys of Paul. Then you can do the maze below. 

Paul and Barnabus Maze


Week 7 - School Wide Memory Work - Due May 15

Psalm 100:3 

Know that the LORD is God,

It is He who made us and we are his.

We are his people, the sheep of his pasture. 

Saul's Conversion

Talk about:

  1. What was Saul like before he met Jesus?
  2. How did Jesus change him?
  3. How does Jesus change you and make you better?

You can download this maze


Peter Escapes From Jail

Talk about:

  1. Why did Peter get thrown into prison?
  2. How did he escape from Prison? 
  3. God will be with us when we go through hard times. When have you felt bad and God helped you feel better? 

Then you can do this activity together. 

WEEK 6 - School Wide Memory Work - Due May 8

Psalm 96:11-12

Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad;

let the sea resound, and all that is in it. 

Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them;

let all the trees of the forest sing for joy. 

*Your child only needs to memorize the bold section but can do the rest as well. 

Peter Heals the Crippled Beggar

You can watch this video I found on youtube that tells the story of Peter Healing the Crippled Beggar. 

You can also listen to this song as well. 

Then you can do the Maze Activity.

Peter and John Before Sanhedrin & The Church Shares

After Peter and John healed the cripple man at the Temple, some Jewish leaders became angry with them and arrested them. You can watch this video to explain what happened. 

After they were set free, the believers gathered together to pray. 

Read: Acts 4:32-37. Talk about how the people of the church gave to each other freely. Then talk about how we help each other out and give to others in order to share the love of Jesus. 

You can do this The Early Church Shares worksheet. 

Week 5 - Memory Work - Due by May 1

Luke 25:51 - "And while he was blessing them, he left them and was taken up into heaven. 

*Send me a video of your child saying the verse or just a message that your child knows it.


Read Acts 2 in either your family Bible or your children's Bible or listen to Mrs. Ferrie read the story from the Jesus Storybook. 

Your child can print off this page and colour it. 


Jesus' Ascension

Read Luke 24:50-53, Mark 16:15-20 in either your family Bible or your children's Bible or listen to Mrs. Ferrie read the story from the Jesus Storybook. 

Here is a colouring page your child can print off and colour. 

Jesus Ascends Into Heaven

Memory Work - Due by April 24

John 20:29b - "...blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."

*Send me a video of your child saying the verse or just a message that your child knows it.

Jesus Appears to His Disciples & Doubting Thomas

Read John 20:19-30 in either your family Bible or your children's Bible. (Or wait until Wednesday for Mrs. Ferrie to tell the story in a video).

Talk about how Thomas needed to see Jesus to believe he had risen. And then talk about how, even though we cannot touch Jesus or feel the holes in his hands, that we can still have faith and believe in our risen Jesus! 

Print off the word search below to go with this story. 

Jesus Appears to his Disciples

Fish in the Nets & Jesus Reinstates Peter

1. Read John 21:1-14 in either your family Bible or your children's Bible. (Or wait until Wednesday for Mrs. Ferrie to tell the story in a video).

Jesus performed a miracle for his disciples and at first they didn't even know it was Jesus who was talking to them. 

2. Remind your child about how Peter denied that he knew Jesus 3 times before the rooster crowed after Jesus had been arrested and how sad Peter felt about that. 

3. Read John 21:15-18 in either your family Bible or your children's Bible. (Or wait until Wednesday for Mrs. Ferrie to tell the story in a video). Jesus asks Peter 3 times if Peter loved him and each time Peter said "Yes!" to Jesus. Talk about how Jesus will take us back to him, even if when we sin or act like we don't know him. 

Print off the following activity page to go with these two stories. 

Jesus Appears at the Shore

Bible Worksheets