Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring

Short i Reading and Rhyming

This week we are going to continue to focus on reading words with a medial short i sound. I would also like you to focus on rhyming. To begin you can watch this absolutely silly video of Mrs. Ferrie and Mrs. Barthel (Billy in the video) who head down to their secret fishing hole where magic fish give them some fun surprises. 

1. This week you can read the Starfall books:

  • Tin Man Sits (My favourite of all the Starfall books. The online version is funny)
  • Fish and Me (This book is quite a bit harder and has longer and more sentences. Feel free to just read this book to your child, but some of your children may be ready for the challenge) 

2. Fishing and Rhyming: Your child can colour the four fish that is in the short i packet then cut them out. On the back of the fish is tape that will work as a wipeable 'whiteboard'. Write some words on the back of the fish with dry erase marker. (I'll give some suggestions below). Then your child can make a fishing rod by tying the yellow string with a magnet on the end, to a stick. Put a paperclip on each fish and have your child 'fish' for words.

Print off an extra Fish Template  if you would like. 

  • Read the word on the fish
  • Rhyme 3 times with each word. 

Word suggestions (taken from "Tin Man Sits"): tin, sits, fish, dip, plan, will, did, not

Challenge words (taken from "Fish and Me"): flips, swim, he, she, kicks, skin, we, gills, lungs, fins, hands

*I would love to see a video of your child reading 1 or 2 words and rhyming with the words. 


Short i Activity Pages

Please have your child do at least one of the short i pages. Your child can do them all if he or she wishes. You have a hard copy of the sheets in your packet or you can print them off by clicking on the button below. 

Short i Worksheets