Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring

Week 4

Circle the Groups

For a warm up each day, place the dot sheet in the page protector. Each day choose to circle one of the following groups:

  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

*Try to see the amount and circle it without counting each individual dot. 

** It's okay if there is a left over dot in a section. 

Here is an extra Dot Sheet if you need it.

Equality and the Equal Sign

Over the next few weeks we are going to start to learn about the process of adding. But before we jump into the addition sign, we need to learn about the equal sign first. 

Parent Note: I know that many of your kids are already doing some math problems, but doing math problems and understanding equality are different. Kids can memorize math facts without fully knowing what they are actually doing. So please, take time and focus on equality with us so we can build a bases for better understanding. We are going to build this up over the next two weeks. 


Balance It Worksheets

Complete page 1 and 2 of the Balance It worksheets. Send a picture to Mrs. Ferrie. 

Here are the worksheets in case the originals got lost. 

Balance It 1      Balance It 2

Extra Practice

You can do some extra practice with equalities this week. Here's some ideas:

1. Flip and Count - flip a number card or subatizing dots circle on one side of the scale and then have your child make dots on the other side to balance/equate them. 

2. Parents write numbers or dots on one side and the child has to balance it. 

3. Make some problems where you place dots/numbers on both sides of the scale that may or may not be balanced and see if your child can recognize any mistakes you made and rebalance the scale. 

Week 4 items